Tuesday 25 September 2012

The Great British Bake Off

Okay, so, bar some extremely fun baking (more on that later) tonight is bound to be the highlight of my week.

I’m sure it says a lot about me that Tuesday nights are my favourite (possibly not including Saturday… Doctor Who!) simply because The Great British Bake Off is on. It’s probably not the best thing to admit and I will lose all my cool points, but it’s amazing.

I don’t know quite what it is… Maybe because all the cooks are amateurs - you’re not just watching a professional showing you how to make something – you get to see their mistakes (a glove filled with blood, anyone?) and their triumphs.

Maybe because of the presenters… I’m sure I find Sue and Mel funnier than they actually are. 

Whatever it is, I bloody love it. It’s so inspiring and gives me so many baking ideas.

The cooks are often hilarious and I love seeing how different the technical bake always turns out for everyone.

Bagels, tarts, cakes, breads, pies, meringues, macaroons... I could go on about it for hours. Instead, I shall say, go to 
BBC iplayer and watch it.

Picture from the The Telegraph

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